Showing posts with label basil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label basil. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Holistic Herb of Medicinal Virtues: Basil (Tulsi)!

Basil: Ocimun sanctum
Basil (Ocimum sanctum L.), plant of the Lamiaceae family, is an erect, annual herb, found commonly grown in India and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. All parts of the plant, i.e., its leaves, stems, roots, seeds & the flowers are reputed to have therapeutic properties. This holy plant has been used by herbal practitioners as analgesic, expectorant, antidiabetic, carminative, anticancer, adaptogenic,  antifungal, antimicrobial, antiasthmatic, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, hypolipidmic, antiemetic, antispasmodic, antirheumatic, hypotensive and diaphoretic.

These medicinal properties are believed to be due to the presence of essential oils and other active compounds in the plant. The basil leaves contain essential oil rich in eugenal, eugenol, limatrol, caryophylline, carvacrol, methylchavicol and steroids like ursolic acid and n-triacontanol. The plant roots contain active compounds such as triterpenes and sitosterol. The seeds of the herb are a source of fatty acids and sitosterol. Owing to its active constituents, find here some of the age old folk remedies with basil:

Traditional Herbal Remedies with Basil
Basil: A Doctor in your backyard!
  • To cure skin infections, prepare a mixture of crushed basil leaves, onion (Allium cepa) and lemon (Citrus limon) juice. Apply the mixture topically to treat skin infections and allergies.
  • To improve lactation in nursing mothers, crush & boil 8-10 basil leaves in a cup of water and simmer for about 5 min. Sieve & add honey to taste. Have a cup of the same twice daily.
  • To treat acne, apply a mixture of Basil & mint leaves juice along with lemon juice over the affected area.
  • An aqueous concoction of the whole basil plant taken daily is said to control diabetes.
  • A tsp of basil leaves juice taken with equal amounts of bitter gourd juice, taken for a month before going to bed is also said to relieve asthma and bronchitis.
  • To treat cough and cold, grind together equal amounts of dried basil leaves, ginger and black pepper powder. To it, add a little honey to have a consistency to make it into pellets. These pellets can be sucked 3-4 times a day to ease the symptom.
  • To cure nose bleeding, drink a tsp of basil juice with honey in a glass of water. Also, smelling basil blossoms can relieve the symptom.
  • For indigestion, crush 3-4 basil leaves with a pinch of rock salt. Take it with water to ease the ailment.
  • To get rid of lice, spread a handful of basil leaves around the pillow before going to bed.
  • To treat fever, boil about 10g basil leaves in a glass of water till the water is reduced to half. Add a little rock salt to taste and drink. This preparation induces sweating and relieves fever.
  • The leaf juice of basil along with triphala (amla, harada and behada) extract can be used as eye tonic. This formulation can also treat eye problems such as chronic conjunctivitis, glaucoma and cataracts.
  • To get relief from headache, chewing a few basil leaves or rubbing the leaves of the herb is beneficial.
  • To relieve migraine, shade dry & powder some basil blossoms and store in an airtight container. Mix 2g of the powder with a tbsp of honey and lick slowly.
  • For insect bite, ground basil leaves with turmeric & apply over the affected area.
  • For urinary troubles, take a tsp of basil seeds and soak them overnight. In the morning, grind them with sugar & have it with water twice daily.
 Visit HerbHealtH for more articles on Herbs and Health @

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Green Healers of India!

Herbs of Medicinal Value!

We find various herbs commonly growing around us but never take much notice of them. But you will be surprised to know and learn about their therapeutic and medicinal potentials in treating common health ailments. The Ayurvedic and the Siddha system of medicine have been incorporating such plants in treating illnesses since ages. Its time to recognize this wealth of health easily found grown in our backyards and kitchen gardens and make use of it in staying healthy.
  1. Neem is used for multi purpose remedies. This includes sprains, flu, skin diseases, heart diseases, fever, indigestion, viral infection, etc. Some serious health concerns like cancer, kidney diseases, sexually transmitted diseases are also claimed to be treated by neem extract.
  2. Basil (Tulsi) acts as blood purifier and anti bacterial. It is effective against cough & cold. Basil enhances digestion, improves appetite & increases blood circulation. Regular consumption of basil the boosts up the immune system.
  3. Peppermint is carminative, relieves muscular spasms, increases sweating, stimulates secretion of bile and is an antiseptic. It’s  therapeutic value lies in its ability to relieve wind, flatulence, bloating and colic. Studies indicate that it relieves colon spasms and helps to cure ulcers. Peppermint also eases headaches. Menthol, its main constituent, is known to have antibacterial properties.  
  4. The Indian Gooseberry is aphrodisiac, hemostatic, carminative, stomachic, diuretic and laxative. Being nutritive, it increases red blood cells count. It is one of the highest natural resources of Vitamin C (3,000 mg / fruit). 
  5. Ashoka relieves diabetes, treats dyspepsia, diseases of the blood, tumors, abdominal enlargement, colic, piles, ulcers and bone fractures as well as diarrhea & bleeding piles. The leaves of the plant has a special blood purifying property. It also serves as an excellent uterine tonic and is very useful to treat syphilis and biliousness.  
  6. Coriander leaves stimulate appetite and improves digestion. These are rich in magnesium, potassium & fibers. Regular consumption boosts immunity and purifies blood. Studies how their role in curing diabetes. 
  7. Lemon helps to control Blood Pressure, purifies blood, reduces swelling of the spleen & strengthens the immune system. It is rich in vitamins C, B, B2, and calcium & iron. The plant protects our body against germs and bacteria.  
  8. Betel leaf exhibits carminative, stimulant, astringent and aromatic properties. The leaf improves taste & appetite. Betel leaf juice is a tonic to brain, heart, liver and other internal organs. It is beneficial in improving bowel action in cases of constipation. Betel leaves juice also cures eye problems and night blindness effectively. 
  9. Peepal tree is useful in inflammations & glandular swelling of the neck. Its root bark is useful for stomatitis and in ulcers. Roots of peepal tree are good for gout. The roots when chewed are considered beneficial for treating gum diseases. Its fruit promotes digestion, checks vomiting, treats asthma & is useful in urinary troubles & heart diseases. The leaves of peepal are also used to treat constipation. 
  10. Bay has a reputation for soothing the stomach and relieving flatulence. Its leaves are known for their ability to relieve aches & pains associated with rheumatism, & for sprains, bruises, and skin rashes.  
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