Monday, February 25, 2013

The Healing Herb of India: Syzygium aromaticum (Clove)

Syzygium aromaticum (Myrtaceae family) commonly known as lawang or cloveis one of the oldest aromatic spices of the world, having many therapeutic virtues. It is a a pyramidal or conical evergreen tree with single main stem and obliquely oriented branches, that grows to a height 12 m. Lawang is also known as Laung (Hindi), shriisanjnan, lavanga, deokusumum (Sanskrit), clove (English). It is grown as a spice crop in western coasts and southern states of India (Karnataka, Kerala & TamilNadu).
Cloves have antimicrobial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, germicidal, rubefacient, carminative, expectorant, stomachic and stimulant properties. Dried flower buds and clove oil are used to cure ailments and for other culinary purposes. Find in this post about the medicinal uses of clove in treating common health problems as a natural remedy:
  • Having 250 mg of lawang paste with warm water after meals cures indigestion, caused due to overeating and characterized by vomiting, gastritis or loss of appetite. 
  • The same remedy is also useful in treating headache due to sun exposure, smoke or pollution. Application of a paste of clove also relives headache.
  • Cough and throat congestion can be cured by chewing roasted clove. It is also an effective remedy in cases of inflammation in the pharynx (pharyngitis). Another cure is to prepare a decoction by boiling 5-6 cloves in 30 ml of water. Take this decoction with honey thrice a day as an expectorant. 
  • Taking paste of 3-4 cloves with warm water removes windiness of abdomen.
  • For toothache, pressing a clove bud between the jaws, at the site of aching tooth eases the pain. Apply clove oil in the cavity of decayed tooth. This would reduce the pain and help to ameliorate infection.
  • For asthma, soak 2 cloves, 12-15 basil leaves, 10 black pepper in water and boil for 15 minutes. Filter the same. To this, add two tsp honey and drink with milk.
  • For treating spasmodic coughs during tuberculosis, bronchitis & asthma, mix a few drops of clove oil and garlic in honey. Take this formulation before going to bed.
  • In cases of nausea and vomiting, prepare a paste by mixing clove powder in honey and lick it. Clove bud boiled in water and given to a pregnant lady eases vomiting sensation.
  • Application of a few drops of clove oil mixed with mustard oil is effective in joint pain and muscular cramps.
  • In earache, mix clove oil and sesame oil. Warm the mixture and put 2-3 drops in the ear.
  • For acne, apply a paste of clove powder in honey over the affected area. Mix a few drops of clove oil in jojoba or coconut oil and apply over acne. This home remedy not only removes acne but also leftover spots.
  • Clove oil is an effective insect repellent when diluted with water in 1:10 ratio. Spray this solution to keep the insects at bay.
  • Eating a clove in betel leaf is a useful remedy for treating catarrh.
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1 comment:

  1. I didn't know clove worked on acne! What a delicious skin care solution!
